Petris has just announced PetrisWINDS Recall 5.1 which adds a GIS front-end and search engine to data in Recall.
Remedial specialists Hazco Environmental Services has signed a five year, $1 million contract with Decision Dynamics for its real-time job cost control package Oncore, a hosted solution that stores activities and real time costs in a central data repository. Hazco plans to equip its clients with online access to real-time work progress and billing through the web interface.
eLynx Technologies’ SMS4D offers SMS (text messaging) alarms to users of its compressor control software. SMS warnings can also be generated by AlarmLynx, a programmable interface that can be used to warn of tank level, valve position, low pressures, loss of power and intrusion detection.
Golden Software has just released Voxler, an entry-level 3D geo-data viewer for well information, digital terrain models, horizons, seismic studies and remote sensing data.
Ikon Science’s new version of RokDoc supports larger well and seismic datasets, pre and post stack seismics and RokDoc’s ‘Evidence Based Interpretation’ (EBI) methodology leveraging full waveform synthetics developed by Prof. Roy White.
Intergraph’s SmartPlant 3D plant engineering package now supports Oracle and Microsoft’s SQL Server.
Linux Networx is working with Computational Engineering International to leverage work done in the Petrobras Oil Plus Souring JIP to productize a family of application-tuned, tightly integrated, compute and visualization systems.
LogTech has added a visual explorer module to its log data browser. LOGarc VE also offers access to Canadian and US raster log data from a ‘well known data vendor’.
Technical Toolboxes Inc. (TTI)has just released a Salt Cavern Gas Storage Toolbox, a state-of-the-art mathematical simulator and engineering design and operational integrity package for gas storage. The product was sponsored by the Gas Technology Institute, the Pipeline Research Council and TTI.
Schlumberger Information Solutions has published the 12,000 tables of its Seabed 2006.2 data model on its website at
Spectrum Data has published a study of the potential for RFID tags in seismic data management on its website at The provisional conclusion is the technology is not ready for prime time.
A new version of Mercury Computer Systems’ Open Inventor data visualization library now offers ‘crack-free NURBS,’ and OpenGL shader support. A new ScaleViz extension is introduced. Developers can now access the toolkit through Microsoft .NET languages.
Visean is developing Exchange Point, a WITSML-enabled version of Pulse Omni, its real-time logging and well test system.
GeoFields has announced a new version of its DataFrame ASG automated sheet design and generation application for pipeline operators.
MetaCarta has joined the Google Enterprise Professional program to add its geo-text-based search to Google Earth.
Silicon Graphics has just announced InfiniteStorage 4000, a 4-gigabit Fibre Channel-based storage system for the mid-range market.
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