From: Kjell Arne Bjerkhaug, Schlumberger and SINAS MD. “In last month’s lead, ‘Landmark gets Diskos back,’ we noticed your little Deja Vu? at the end of the article hinting that Schlumberger promised an open solution in 2004. That was a statement of our strong will to accommodate Diskos wishes. Alas, we should have known better. We fully intended make Diskos an open repository integrating company workflows. But this proved impossible because PetroBank lacked the API necessary for an open solution. Only by Diskos making an API a mandatory deliverable in this tender the Diskos repository has the chance to become an open solution in the future. I do not think Schlumberger should get the heat for lack of openness.”
From: Stan Devries, Invensys. “I agree with your editorial ‘Calvary coming to digital oilfield’s rescue?’ But while it points out the shortcoming of the reported alliances (Landmark/Pavilion, SIS/Aspentech), and the requirements for simulations, it omitted the accomplishments of vendors who implement ‘real-time’ model-based controllers. Some are focused on equipment optimization (especially gas lift, such as Weatherford EPS’s GL) and others are focused on field-wide optimization (including Invensys SimSci-Esscor IPSM). The statement ‘requires a well thought-out strategy and ideally, some standardized way of synchronizing the outputs and inputs’ has been achieved in a proprietary way inside these offerings. The announcement of ProdML showed how the ‘standardized’ way can be achieved. I strongly agree with the requirement and this is why we and others are enthusiastic about the expectations and likely outcome of ProdML.”.”
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