InnerLogix CEO Dag Heggelund has done as much as anyone to bring data quality issues into the limelight. His presentation on the ‘Historic Journey to Data Quality Management’ distinguishes internal—storage related quality issues from external quality metrics such as data fit for purposeness and accuracy. InnerLogix’ (ILX) solution allows users to build ad hoc data quality assessment rules to check for instance that surface location elevations fall within a reasonable range.
ILX’ data quality management toolbox includes rule-based correction and notification and quantitative data quality estimators. Once exceptions have been identified, they can be passed to manual data editing tools for correction. Identifying data issues feeds back into improved procedures for data loading and QC.
ILX’ Morris Covington described a GOM project involving data synchronization across multiple projects with overlapping areas of interest and multiple instances of the same well in different projects. Data techs were overrun by trying to keep the projects synchronized keeping the same data in equivalent projects or project areas, and keeping the data current. ILX’ QCPro was used to connect to the 56 applications and data bases including Petra, OpenWorks, Finder, PPDM and Recall. ILX’s data quality management revealed that some wells that had been thought to be vertical were in fact deviated. Other checks revealed bad locations in several projects and some wells moved by a considerable amount due to mis-interpreted deviation data. Covington advocates a shift in geotechnical focus from data delivery to data exception handling which has a much higher value. Covington exhorts geotechs to ‘prepare yourselves for a new relationship with the data suppliers, build a new, higher-value Master store and adopt a new way of thinking about Data Management.’
Lynda Koenen set out to answer the big question, how to measure the production data quality. Along with more general considerations like well reservoir identity, quality metrics can test if top and bottom depths agree with perforations, if well status and produced fluid agrees with production data. The plan is to extend quality to pressure measurements and production test data. IHS Energy’s Stephen Cooper outlined a new initiative for an ‘IM quality framework Oil & Gas’.
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