Halliburton has announced a ‘Real Time Decision Center’ (RTDC) located at its Houston Digital and Consulting Solutions (DCS) corporate offices. The RTDC brings together the functionality of previous real time centers and visualization rooms located at operator’s units around the world. The RTDC is a collaborative environment for exploration, drilling, production, asset management and finance—and soon reservoir engineering.
DCS president Peter Bernard said, ‘We’ve designed the RTDC to be the most fully-used, multi-functional center at a customer’s site—a work space that will increase productivity and allow them to operate more profitably.’ The RTDC incorporates real-time data feeds, volumetric applications, video streams from rig-based cameras and global videoconferencing. The Houston unit is designed as a technology demonstrator where clients can ‘test drive’ the RTDC.
The demonstrator is built around an SGI Prism capable of handling 3TB datasets, a Sony SXRD digital projector with 8.3 megapixel resolution. A ‘collaboration room’ features a CyViz Visualization System and HP workstations. Infrastructure is a NetApp unified storage system. The whole enchilada of Halliburton DCS applications can be accessed from the RTDC including geotechnical, reservoir management, drilling and completions and production optimization. Information management and interpretation packages include GeoProbe, Well Seismic Fusion, and DecisionSpace Nexus. If that ain’t enough, the GeoGraphix suite of applications and Sperry’s drilling and completions packages are also available.
Halliburton is offering the RTDC as a customizable, turnkey solution that can be tuned to client workflows. All users can access the same data sources offering the possibility of ‘connecting expert resources with each other and overseeing an entire asset portfolio from a central location.’
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