Halliburton has announced an agreement with Austin-based Pavilion Technologies, embedding Pavilion8 with Landmark’s DecisionSpace Production (DSP) framework. Pavilion’s iField Perfecter technology was unveiled at last year’s IQPC’s Oilfield Automation Conference in Houston (Oil ITJ Vol 10 N° 3).
DSP offers a real time, integrated model of the reservoir, wells, gathering network and production facilities. Pavilion’s I-field Perfecter uses the ‘objective function’ to maximize field value without violating operating constraints.
Halliburton VP Jonathan Lewis said, ‘This technology resolves one of the fundamental problems faced by the industry in defining the digital oilfield of the future and overcomes the limitations of traditional modeling with sub-surface to surface interfaces. By overcoming the constraints and interdependencies of traditional full physics simulators, we enable dynamic interpretation of multiple scenarios and actual conditions in real time making the vision of a real time integrated asset model a reality.’
Pavilion uses a hybrid modeling approach using neural networks, process data and physics in model development. Pavilion8 leverages Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA), enabling seamless integration with ERP applications, data warehouses, historians, and distributed control systems from a variety of suppliers. A J2EE-compliant web service interface provides portability across Microsoft and UNIX operating systems. Pavilion’s downstream clients include BP and Total.
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