AssetBank evaluates undeveloped assets

New package from IHS Energy bundles field database, fiscal terms and economics.

AssetBank, a new component of IHS’ Forecaster provides valuations of undeveloped upstream assets. AssetBank is an interactive database of development plans and valuations for some 750 undeveloped assets worldwide. AssetBank embeds IHS’ QUE$TOR cost estimation engine. AssetBank includes location, reserves, reservoir, joint venture partners and contract information. The package also offers ‘conceptual’ field development plans and economic evaluations with editable assumptions and optional query tools.


Part of the IHS Forecaster family, AssetBank delivers a bottom-up assessment based on an asset’s production, fiscal and cost profiles. The package includes 270 fiscal regimes, optimized portfolio scheduling to meet user defined targets such as production, costs or income and roll-up at field, country or company level.

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