UK call for production optimization

R&D organization seeks projects that enhance brown field recovery and improve data use.

The UK-based Industry Technology Facilitator (ITF), owned by 13 major oil companies, acts as a facilitator for R&D related to new technologies to maximize recovery from mature basins.


The current ITF call for proposals is seeking innovative technologies with ‘a demonstrable path to commercialization’. One RFI of interest to the upstream IT community covers real-time field management (RTFM) and involves integrated RTFM systems with predictive capabilities for events such as loss-of-well and topside failures. The RFI also covers numerical tools for well bore and process facility fluid flow modeling. The RFI notes the use of geoscience software to make predictions from massive data sets to ask if this approach can be transferred to real-time field management. Another concern is how better use can be made of the large amount of data currently collected. Proposals should offer low cost, flexible solutions that can be retrofitted to existing (brown) fields.

£23.5 million

Since 1999, ITF has raised over £23.5 million in direct joint industry project support, with a further £20 million of equity investment capital being directly linked to ITF projects and over £20 million in trials funding. According to the RFI, ‘this is an excellent opportunity to gain a wide audience in seeking support for your technology.’ There are no restrictions on proposers’ country of origin. The RFI closes on the 24th of May.

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