Volant, Intervera team on data quality

EnerConnect Transfer promises web services data integration and data QC on-the-fly.

Houston-based Volant Solutions has just announced EnerConnect Transfer (ECT), a data transfer solution for geoscience data managers and application users. ECT provides access to geoscience data in internal, proprietary and external commercial data providers. ECT allows filtered data to be imported into project databases such as OpenWorks or Petra. Transfers can be managed with the native ECT GUI or from supported third-party commercial GIS systems.


Volant CEO Scott Schneider said, ‘ECT finally delivers on what has been promised by integration vendors for a long time: an open, scalable and reliable software platform that seamlessly integrates your geoscience data environment. Our Amazon-style interface provides a familiar user experience: online shopping. Instead of searching for books and DVDs, users search for Well and Log data, place this data in their shopping cart, and verify pricing for purchased vendor data’

Web services

EnerConnect employs a Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) to deliver a modular software platform composed of a business workflow engine, application adapters and data transformation services. The component architecture lets users address specific business requirements without modifying existing workflows.


Volant’s ECT now also embeds real time data quality capabilities from Intervera Data Solutions of Calgary. Volant will leverage the DataVera data quality management suite to provide on-the-fly of data transiting through EnerConnect. DataVera’s repository contains thousands of industry data quality checks and solutions which identify and clean up suspect data.

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