The Norwegian oil and gas trade association OLF is organizing a two day ‘Semantic Days’ event on the 26th and 27th April in Stavanger, focusing on real world application of semantic web technologies.
Scandpower Petroleum Technology reports new software sales this month. Shell’s Global Solutions unit has acquired OLGA 2000, Scandpower’s pipeline and wellbore flow modeler, for deployment in Malaysia. Dolphin Energy is to deploy Scandpower’s real-time production management systems, EDPM, in its Ras Laffan facility in Qatar. Amerada Hess (Denmark) has acquired Scandpower’s MEPO tool for reservoir uncertainty management and production forecasting.
IHS has acquired Nixon Digital Logs’ comprehensive Texas well log collection with some data going back to the 1930s. The 140,000 logs dataset will be integrated into IHS’ log database and available for ordering through the IHS website.
Digital Oilfield has just announced a new optimizer for financial and operational interaction between energy companies and their suppliers. Web-based Project-Accelerator is a collaborative environment where stakeholders can share schedules and technical requirements, as well as track project status, task assignment and completion. ProjectAccelerator manages the oilfield lifecycle, from initial exploration to final tie-in and production.
Fakespace has just introduced its ‘Beacon’ active stereo projection system offering stereoscopic projection with 8.85 megapixel native resolution and 5,000 lumen output. The system targets, inter alia, the geophysical interpretation and well planning verticals. Two such projectors will be used in a 3m x 3m, 14 megapixel display on show at the Virtual Reality Applications Center of Iowa State University during the Human Computer Interaction Forum next month.
Calgary-based Genetek’s EarthWorks offers a cutting edge interpretation environment running on the powerful but esoteric Dec Alpha platform. Genetek considers the old ‘pick-post-map’ approach to seismic interpretation is ‘a very outdated approach to finding oil and gas.’ The latest addition to the genetek website is a compelling Flash demonstration of real time anisotropy and AVO modeling—highly recommended.
Foster Findlay Associates’ latest SVI Pro release includes a new FaultTrend module which allows instantaneous fault azimuth calculation within a FaultApp workflow. Other enhancements include enhanced 3D well path viewing and a ‘full screen’ mode for optimum visualization.
According to CEO Andrew Gould, in the last 18 months, some 80 companies have adopted Schlumberger’s flagship interpretation package Petrel as their ‘standard.’
IHS, Geomatics Data Management and Veritas DGC have teamed to offer Canadian clients a turnkey solution for the migration of legacy NAD27 data to NAD83. The move is in response to a recommendation from the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers that such conversion should be achieved before Q2 2008. Conversion should greatly reduce the risk of incorrect spatial data being used.
OpenSpirit has just announced version 2.9 of its interoperability framework with data store connectors for PPDM, Petra, SMT and ArcSDE. A ‘satellite installation’ functionality supports deployment of OpenSpirit-enabled data stores on hosts running different operating systems.
Petrosys offers a pointer to a ‘starter kit’ of Australian well location data on theGeoscience Australia web site, . Well header information is available in ‘cul’ format for some 11,000 Australian oil and gas wells.
Kappa Engineering has just released Ecrin, an environment where all Kappa’s tools can share data and models. Saphir, Topaze and Diamant are available now in the new environment. Emeraude, along with a new simulator and a nodal analysis tool will be offered under Ecrin in 2007.
Silicon Graphics has announced a supercomputing ‘blade’ with dual Xilinx Virtex 4 field-programmable gate array (FPGA) technology. SGI claims ‘orders of magnitude’ speedup for its RC100 reconfigurable application-specific computing (RASC). Third-party development tools from Celoxica and Mitrionics are also available.
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