Saudi Aramco and Petrobras have joined Scandpower Petroleum Technology’s OLGA 2000 validation joint industry project. OLGA 2000 is a dynamic multiphase flow simulator. The OLGA Verification and Improvement Project (OVIP) tests the software and adds enhancements to the tool. Other OVIP participants are BP, Chevron, ENI, ExxonMobil, Gaz de France, Statoil and Total.
OLGA 2000
OVIP is a long term project to collect and analyze new field data by comparison with OLGA forecasts. New experimental data is obtained from tailored lab experiments carried out by the Norwegian Institute for Energy Research (IFE) located near Oslo. Results are fed back into OLGA to ensure the simulator’s code is aligned with all available lab and field data.
Gas condensate
One success of OVIP is improved accuracy in forecasting gas condensate behavior in pipelines. Early forecasts showed large errors in liquid holdup prediction in condensate pipelines. Improvements in stratified flow modeling resulted in better predictions of holdup and pressure drop. The work also covers hydrodynamic slugging in pipelines, flow in deep water risers and void front tracking.
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