The Intelligent Data Sheets (IDS) project targets lifecycle information management for offshore design, construction and maintenance. IDS will facilitate integrated operations by developing neutral product models for data exchange and integration to support new collaborative work processes within and between organizations. The standards-based project, will develop a methodology for exchanging data between applications and across data sheet formats such as ISO, API, or NORSOK. IDS will then develop product models as for data integration and exchange using ISO 15926. A test facility will be set up where reference data can be managed, templates for data exchange can be validated against the requirements of the product model, and interfaces between different applications can be tested. We want to maximize information quality levels and ensure that the test facility supports ISO standardization activities.
The project will also develop seamless work process-to-work process (W2W) communications to assist in migrating from existing systems to future, collaborative, inter-organizational work processes. Product models will be separate from presentation formats and linked to data sheets and W2W interactions. Previously, data sheets were coupled to presentation formats. Understanding them required context in the form of ‘implicit information.’ By standardizing terms and definitions in a product model, information is defined in a neutral way for use by other applications. We also plant to turn ‘implicit’ information in data sheets into explicit data and include it in the model.
Intelligent data sheet
User definable subsets of the data as well as the full data set can be shared, exchanged and reused across applications, engineering disciplines, organizations. This is the heart of the ‘Intelligent Data Sheet.’ The concept will enable new work processes as data can be packaged on an ‘as needed’ basis as opposed to ‘what is available’ basis.
The project is being funded by the Norwegian Research Council, the Norwegian Oil Industry Association and the POSC Caesar Association. DNV is managing the project. The project is also collaborating with the US FIATECH ‘Accelerating Deployment of ISO 15926’ initiative.
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