3DGeo Development has appointed Rob Yorke as CEO. Yorke was previously with Paradigm Geophysical.
His Excellency Ali Naimi, The Minister of Petroleum and Minerals, opened a new Schlumberger R&D center in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia this month.
Ryder Scott Canada has appointed Fred Dewis, geologist, and Bruce Palmer, petroleum engineer. Dewis was previously with McDaniel & Associates, Palmer with ExxonMobil.
The Petrotechnical Open Standards Consortium (POSC) has elected Jonathan Lewis (Halliburton) as chairman and Tom Halbouty (Pioneer Natural Resources) as vice chairman of its board of directors.
MetaCarta has appointed Noel O’Dwyer as director of business development.
The Gas Technology Institute (GTI) has published a CD information resource covering Pipeline Direct Assessment (PDA). PDA evaluates pipeline integrity without in-line inspection (pigging).
Speaking at the Howard Weil conference, Schlumberger CEO Andrew Gould saw an accelerating trend towards exploration, with 230 land rigs currently drilling in the US and a ‘dramatic recovery’ in the seismic business.
ElectroBusiness has appointed Bob Ashauer and Doug Lailey as directors, Art Smith as president, Ryan Lailey, VP Sales and Nizam Jiwa to VP Service Delivery.
Bob Harriss is president of the Houston Advanced Research Center (HARC).
Yiannis Bessiris is manager of Hyperion’s enlarged modeling, simulation and training operation in Pune, Maharashtra.
Infield Systems has appointed Owen Williams as analytical services manager.
Computer Modelling Group and Sungard Consulting have joined the PPDM Association.
Roxar has opened a new training centre in Puerto La Cruz, Venezuela.
Seismic Micro-Technology (SMT) has opened a new office in Singapore.
A new World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) project is to ‘augment’ web services with semantic web technologies by adding semantic ‘hooks’ to the previous WSDL specification. The intent is to automate web service identification and discovery.
Former president, George HW Bush gave the keynote address at Microsoft’s 2006 Global Energy Forum in Houston this month!
We’re hiring!
ESRI is looking for a pipeline industry solutions manager.
CGG unit Multiwave Geophysical is looking for VPs for its seabed seismic geoservices divisions.
The Pipeline Open Data Standard (PODS) Association is looking for an executive director.(PODS) Association is looking for an executive director.
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