EPSG reborn as OGP Subcommittee

European Survey Group to transform into Oil and Gas Producers’ subcommittee. V6.9 out now.

The European Petroleum Survey Group (EPSG) has been reformed as the Surveying and Positioning Committee of the International Association of Oil and Gas Producers (OGP). The former EPSG Geodesy Working Group is now the Geodesy Subcommittee of the OGP Surveying and Positioning Committee. This Subcommittee’s membership is unchanged and will continue to maintain the EPSG dataset. The dataset will continue to be known as the EPSG dataset.


The EPSG has also just released version 6.9 of its geodetic parameter dataset, a free download from epsg.org. V 6.9 includes transformations published by the US National Geospatial Intelligence Agency (NGA) for oceanic islands not previously included in the EPSG database. Area table records for maritime countries based on ISO 3166 have had their area of use clarified to cover the whole country, both onshore and offshore.


As in previous releases the V6.9 dataset is available in two forms: either an MS Access database which also includes a data reporting capability, or as a series of SQL scripts for populating an alternative relational database application. More from www.ogp.org.uk and www.epsg.org.

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