UK headquartered SDC Geologix has just released WellXP, a secure, hosted wellsite operations and reporting package. WellXP captures and manages well-related information in a sharable off site store. Entitlements are configured for role based access so that stakeholders can only see data to which they are entitled.
Remote host
WellXP stores basic well documents from initial prognosis to final report along with associated data on a remote hosted server.Geologix claims that the easy access to information improves the decision making process and decreases the time required to make operational adjustments. WellXP collects digital information that is often dispersed across the enterprise and poorly organized. WellXP encourages information re-use, for instance in planning subsequent offset well programs.
A simple folder structure and Table of Categories allows any digital format to be stored and shared with team members, management, joint venture partners and regulatory or government agencies. WellXP provides users with concurrent access to the most up to date information. WellXP’s interface is opened from a standard web browser. On completion of a well, information may be archived or downloaded to a browseable DVD. Geologix’ servers are physically located in a secure server room and protected 24x7x365 with biometric technology. The secure website, outside of the corporate firewall, assures network integrity. All files are scanned for viruses during upload and download.
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