Oil country data for handheld devices

Labrador announces eTriever support for hand held devices and smart phones. New finance raised.

Labrador Technologies Inc. (LTI) has added wireless data retrieval to its eTriever data access suite (OITJ Vol. 11 N° 1). The new module supports wireless data retrieval for hand-held devices, such as BlackBerries, Treos, and smart phones. eTriever now offers mobile staff and field personnel real time access to their data.


Labrador CTO Tim Breitkreutz said, ‘Having all of your oil and gas data available at your fingertips is highly convenient. The ability to have an oil and gas well-ticket right in the palm of your hand, borders on the revolutionary.’


LTI also announced $200,000 of investment financing, for the purchase of 2,000,000 shares, through LTI’s non-brokered, private placement. LTI will issue between 2 and 4 million Labrador units at $0.10 a pop—a total of up to $400,000.

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