Multi-phase upscaling from Geomodeling

A new SBED module offers rigorous upscaling of relative permeabilities and improved history match.

Calgary-based software house Geomodeling Technology Corp. has announced availability of Multi-Phase Upscaling (MPU), a new feature of its SBED geological modeling package. Multi-Phase Upscaling concerns the accurate representation of fine grained physical properties such as relative permeability to be ‘encapsulated’ in a coarser scale model.

Relative permeability

According to Geomodeling, conventional techniques extrapolate relative permeability measurements from core plugs to full-field reservoir models, without considering the impact of small-scale geological details. Understanding all of the processes involved in fluid flow through sedimentary rocks is ‘key to understanding contaminant migration and petroleum production.’


Geomodeling President and CEO Renjun Wen said, ‘By using multi-phase upscaling data, engineers can improve history matching and reserve forecasting and designing better development plans. SBED models the small-scale bedding structures that impact fluid distribution. Integration of such effects decreases the uncertainty in reservoir predictions.’

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