Neuralog has added support for A2D’s ‘SilverWire’ web-services-based log data delivery services to its NeuraSection and NeuraWellTool interpretation packages. A2D’s SilverWire service (OITJ Vol. 9 No 3) exposes A2D’s LogLine Plus hosted well log data library for remote query and access.
4.3 million wells
NeuraSection and NeuraWellTool users can now browse and select data from A2D’s collection of over 4.3 million well logs from the US and worldwide hydrocarbon provinces.
Neuralog VP Javan Meinwald explained, ‘The real value of this upgrade is fewer interruptions for the geologist working with logs. We are planning to integrate a similar technology for data access in NeuraLog, for automated log digitizing.’.
A2D’s Robert Gibson added, ‘Matching Neuralog’s software with our well log data collection will change the way users interact with well log data. Getting data into a project used to be a challenge and a drain on the time actually spent on exploration.’
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