Enersight’s WellSpring portfolio management package now includes an integrated business planning workflow. Starting with detailed, project-level, production and economic modeling the business plan develops as it ‘flows up’ through a visual consolidation network into a final corporate view. Enersight claims this workflow reduces the time needed to consolidate alternative developments into a corporate plan resulting in improved forecasting and more extensive analysis of development options. The plan captures both risked and un-risked plans for high-level sensitivity analysis.
Meta project
Key to WellSpring’s scalable planning capability is the ‘meta project,’ a summary-level project or scenario that allows project results to be combined with results from other projects, wells or facilities. Meta projects let users consolidate and view all corporate assets and compare strategic plans and contingencies. Other meta project functionality includes sensitivity analysis to price and other risk factors. Tax calculations for many international regimes are available. Meta projects also provide a snap-shot of a project’s value at a given point in time and can be archived as project ‘look-backs.’
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