Emerson’s digital biofuel refinery

PlantWeb monitors and controls operations at new Nova BioSource America biodiesel plants.

Nova unit BioSource America has commissioned digital technology from Emerson Process Management (EPM) for its new US biodiesel refineries. Emerson will provide instrument specifications, system design and engineering support along with its PlantWeb digital plant solution. PlantWeb networks operations, maintenance and management stations with computers and intelligent instruments—continuously monitoring processes and providing predictive reports and alerts that enable personnel to operate at capacity and to resolve maintenance issues before they impact production. The projects have an estimated $2,100,000 worth of Emerson content.


EPM president John Berra said, ‘The production of alternative fuels from domestic, renewable resources is an important ecological initiative,. We are pleased to be selected by Nova to digitally automate its refineries.’ Biodiesel is set to grow to around 2% of the US fuel market by 2010.

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