Petrolink has signed a marketing agreement with Milan, Italy-based XMLPower to integrate its WITSML Data Solution (WDS) into the Petrolink service portfolio. Petrolink is an oil and gas communications technology provider specializing in the secure transmission and distribution of geotechnical and associated data through the world. XMLPower’s WDS comprises modular, fault-tolerant acquisition-transmission-storage units that interface automatically with a third-party vendor’s or operator’s WITSML-compliant data sources and applications.
Open standards
By combining the WITSML open-source standards with other emerging XML services, XMLPower intends to be the leading provider of WITSML solutions to the worldwide oil and gas industry. XMLPower has no affiliation with wellsite data acquisition service providers and claims to be positioned to provide an extranet hub for use by operators, partners and service providers. The neutral extranet hub avoids conflicts of interest when service providers are required to transfer data that they do not own.
Best of breed
By using neutral interfaces, operators are less reliant on ‘integrated offerings’ from the larger service providers and can deploy ‘best of breed’ solutions from other specialized vendors—promoting a ‘healthier competitive environment’.
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