JIP to investigate subsalt overpressure

Knowledge Systems latest Joint Industry Project sets out to improve subsalt prognostics.

Knowledge Systems (KS) has kicked-off a Joint Industry Project to develop an improved methodology for predicting subsalt geopressure. KS will study data from 50 wells in the Gulf of Mexico to develop ‘best practices’ for pressure analysis and improved seismic imaging below salt.


KS CEO Jim Bridges said, ‘Pore pressure and lithology can make drilling below salt extremely challenging. Better pressure prediction upon exiting salt can reduce downtime, lower casing costs and optimize the wellbore for production while also impacting safety and the environment.’


Fugro is providing seismic data to the project from its ‘Deep Focus’ 2D and 3D deepwater GoM spec surveys. The project originated with the US Department of Energy ‘DEA 119’ project which targeted pre-drill pore pressure and fracture gradient prediction in deep water wells. Following project kick-off last month, Brasilian Petrobras has already joined the JIP.

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