UK-based Paras Consulting has just released a new multi-client study of geological modeling software. The study compares four major applications, EarthVision (Dynamic Graphics), GoCad (Earth Decision Sciences), Petrel (Schlumberger) and Irap RMS (Roxar).
Seven major E&P companies participated in the study whose objectives were to identify industry practices in geological modeling and to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the commercial packages.
The study found all four commercial packages to be ‘similarly positioned’ in the marketplace although they differ ‘in specific features and characteristics.’ In general, a ‘balancing act’ is required to ‘match effort and resources to the purpose of the project.’ The gap between seismic interpretation and geomodeling is a cause of ‘duplication of effort’ while the lack of ‘geometric rigor’ in interpretation tools typically adds two to three weeks to the structural modeling process.
Paras are not giving much away as to how the apps fared in the comparison, but MD Hamish Wilson told Oil IT Journal ‘Petrel is the one to beat!’ Commenting the report’s general findings, Paras non-executive director Dave Bamford added, ‘IT currently seems as dysfunctional as the disciplines themselves used to be. Closer integration between interpretation and modeling would shorten cycle times and enable more effective iteration between geophysicists and modelers’.
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