Toolkit for EU emissions compliance

XML-based emission reporting will be helped by new software from EU industry grouping CONCAWE.

The European Pollutant Emissions Register (EPER) compiles emissions data on a public website ( The site provides xml-based emissions reports from EU countries. Currently data is somewhat stale, only 2001 data is available, but we understand that the information for 2002-2004 will be added ‘real soon now’.


CONCAWE, an oil company grouping promoting downstream HSE, has developed a Toolkit to generate EPER-formatted emission data from refinery site data. The toolkit was developed to mitigate the risk of continuous monitoring being ‘forced’ upon a site.


The Toolkit will supply data to the Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (PRTR) due for implementation in 2007. EPER data is namespace-less, XML with tags for company, facility and emission levels by pollutant. GIS systems allow for EU-wide emissions mapping.

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