Software & technology short takes

News from Schlumberger, Molli, Midland valley, IFP, Rose, GeoPlus, Neuralog, EarthMoves, GITA etc.

The latest issue of Schlumberger’s ‘The Click’ newsletter includes a description of Design of Experiment techniques with Cougar by Wilson Rodriguez.

Molli Computer Services now offers MICA Statewide databases of oil and gas production history for California, Michigan, New Mexico, Utah and West Virginia.

BP has contracted Midland Valley to enhance its ‘Realtime’ 3DMove Well Placement geosteering application by integrating dynamic structural modeling with azimuthal LWD.

Digital Formation has just released LESA (Log Evaluation System Analysis) for open and cased hole log analysis. LESA supports LAS, LBS, LIS and ASCII log data.

A team of IFP researchers received the Schlumberger prize from the French Academy of Sciences for their work on history matching with a ‘gradual modification of images of geological facies distribution or petrophysical properties’.

Rose & Associates has released a new version of it ‘workhorse’ prospect risk analysis product, MMRA (Multi-Method Risk Analysis). MMRA V4.0 adds complex trap modeling and more flexibility in modeling reservoir parameters.

GeoPlus’ Petra now includes a 3D Visualization module tied to the Petra database for visualization of well data, subsea grids, isopachs, map overlays, and cross sections.

Neuralog’s NDBX a ‘neural database’ plug-in extends ArcGIS functionality to combine GIS and structured queries. Neuralog uses OpenSpirit’s ESRI to Open Works link.

EarthMoves has created a detailed movie of the opening of the South Atlantic from its shape file-based digital geology. The Cambridge University ATLAS package, developed by Alan Smith, was used to create the movie.

‘Free or Fee,’ a White Paper on the website investigates government data ownership—asking, ‘Should federal and local governments sell their geospatial data sets or distribute them for free?’ GITA has also published its 2005 Geospatial Technology Report, a survey of geospatial IT.

M2M Corp has upgraded its remote monitoring ‘AlertServices’ product line to offer demand poll and GPS location functionality.

PGS is converting its high tech 4 component ocean bottom vessels Ocean Explorer and Falcon to conventional towed streamer operation – capitalizing on a ‘substantial improvement’ in the towed streamer seismic market.

Roxar has won a Norwegian court ruling protect its multiphase flow meter technology from ‘unlawful use’ by another Norwegian company, FlowSys, founded by former employees of Roxar.

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