UK-based Tigress has released a new version of its Russian-localized GeoTIGG application. GeoTIGG 2.0 was developed in conjunction with Russian partner and CGG affiliate, GeoLeader. GeoTIGG targets upstream workers in the Commonwealth of Independent States, leveraging Tigress applications and the Project Data Store (PDS) and adding a Russian-specific petrophysical application, GeoTOP. GeoTOP is tuned to traditional Russian logs, with their own data types, corrections and specific interpretation algorithms.
New in release 2.0, is the mapping program GeoQC, based on CGG’s FastQC application, a PetroVision component. GeoQC offers a range of mapping, statistical analysis and kriging. Both GeoTOP and GeoQC read and write their data directly to the PDS. The next release of GeoTIGG will include another program popular in the CIS market, GeoMIG, a 3D seismic interpretation tool.
Last year Tigress established a Russian unit, Tigress Ingeoservices, so that its financial, product support and product development businesses could be handled locally, with Russian staff and in compliance with local procedures and regulations.
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