Linux Networx certified for Eclipse

First Linux-based cluster to receive Schlumberger’s badge of approval.

Schlumberger has certified Linux Networx’ Evolocity cluster systems to run the Eclipse numerical reservoir simulator. According to Linux Networx, this is the first Linux-based high performance computer (HPC) to receive such certification.

EU Center

The Schlumberger European Service Center in Aberdeen, UK is currently running ECLIPSE on a Linux Networx Evolocity cluster system. Certification was achieved on a dual AMD-Opteron node 64-bit system using Infiniband high-speed interconnect and the SUSE Professional 9.1 Linux operating system distribution.

Dual core

In a separate announcement, Linux Networx announced that it is to offer its Evolocity clusters with dual-core Opterons at a future date. Dual core technology promises increased processing capacity in the same amount of space with no change in power consumption or heat levels.

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