Statoil is to deploy more AspenTech software to support the design and optimization of its upstream production facilities. A new multi-year license provides access to applications including HySys Upstream.
Statoil’s previous AspenTech deployment concerned a HySys-based solution for Front-End Engineering Design (FEED). This combines process simulation, economic evaluation and engineering data management and has enabled Statoil to optimize engineering on new projects.
The HySys Upstream option extends these capabilities with industry standard methods for handling petroleum fluids and providing links to third-party applications that model gathering networks. This enabled steady-state and dynamic simulation of the entire production system, from wellhead to the production facility.
Statoil VP Øivind Nilsen said, ‘AspenTech’s simulators are designed for the complex fluid behavior found in oil and gas systems that makes them difficult to analyze and optimize. These tools, in combination with the integrated FEED solution, will enable us to improve design and investment decisions and to improve engineering efficiency.’
AspenTech VP Blair Wheeler added, ‘Hysys is the leading production facility engineering environment for the upstream and provides the foundation for our AspenOne integrated solution for oil and gas.’
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