Calgary-based LogTech reports ‘substantial progress’ in its added value digital log database effort. LogTech now offers 4.5 million digital log curves to users of its LogArc on-line database. In the past year, LogTech has added one million curves from over 15,000 new wells. LogTech claims its database has the best coverage of any public digital log database in Canada – especially in terms of data quality, header data curve suite depth interval coverage. LogTech is currently validating digital log data on a 4,000 well backlog and expects LogArc curve coverage to top five million ‘real soon now’.
940 users
Data is generally wellsite-derived and quality controlled for consistency prior to loading to LogArc on-line. LogTech claims 940 users of its public digital log data set. More users access LogTech’s data alongside their own proprietary digital and raster log data through LogArc software.
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