A report in Landmark Graphics ‘Solutions in Action’ series spotlights a major ‘paperless office’ project performed for Norsk Hydro. Following its 2000 acquisition of Saga Petroleum, Hydro found itself with six legacy paper archives in four cities.
Ellen Marie Ramberg, Hydro’s Director of Information Management said, ‘We were under pressure to release storage for office space and decided to outsource our paper documents, making them available in electronic form.’ Landmark unit Petrodata was awarded the contract for document management and the implementation of an ‘integrated digital workflow,’ including the provision of virtual data rooms.
Hydro’s paper was previously indexed in eight different Lotus Notes databases. These have been merged to a customized version of Documentum to provide shared access to physical documents in a multi-client electronic archive. Archives are outsourced to Landmark’s Managed Services. In eight weeks, 1.5 million paper documents were bar-coded and 58 truck loads of documents shipped to a central repository. A custom Order and Delivery system, integrated with Hydro’s EDMS, initiates scan-on-demand electronic document delivery—minimizing the risk of losing important originals, since they never leave the archive.
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