Kuwait Oil Co awards data contract to DPTS

Ovation Data’s UK unit is to remaster and manage KOC’s seismic tape library.

Kuwait Oil Company (KOC) has awarded a ‘major’ data storage and maintenance services contract to Ovation’s UK unit, DPTS. InfoAsset Ltd. (formerly DPTS Storage) will manage KOC’s physical media and provide value add services from a dedicated new E&P facility in Dartford, UK. Services will include audit of the inventory and E&P catalogue cleansing, and the provision of secure, on-line catalog access and on-line ordering of services and data to KOC staff worldwide .


KOC data on older IBM 3480 and 3490E cartridges will be remastered to high density IBM 3590 cartridges. DPTS will also provide routine data maintenance and will keep KOC abreast of new technology, media and methodologies that may benefit its data asset. The contract duration is four years commencing 1 January 2005.

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