As revealed in Oil IT Journal last month, the Well Information Transfer Standard, WITSML, now a POSC community, has released Version 1.3 of its XML-based data exchange standard. Enhancements and ‘clarifications’ to the standard include datums for elevations, measured depths and vertical depths can now be defined. A ‘well-known name’ can be specified for the horizontal coordinate reference system or to specify more than one system of each type (geographic, projected and local). A composite schema file has been created that combines the content from all object schemas into one schema. All information about one well or many wells can be placed in a single XML document.
Data schema
The schema files have been split into a data schema (e.g., well, wellbore, trajectory) and a SOAP API schema (i.e., capClient, capPublisher, capServer, capSubscriber and subscription).
Well log object
New objects defined include a well log object for wireline and MWD data and a new ‘risk object’ which can be associated with any other object. Other tweaks address enhancements to WITSML units of measure, and data integrity, with preferred and mandatory units and maximum allowable values. A consistent naming convention has been implemented for unique and contextual keys.
Quick start
The POSC WITSML Store Client Toolkit includes a ‘quickstart’ tutorial and a WITSML Store client sample implementation on
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