CGG is to embed volume visualization tools from Mercury Computer Systems in the latest version of its Geocluster seismic processing package. Mercury’s Open Inventor and VolumeViz LDM (large data management) visualization components will let seismic processors run compute-intensive applications involving the visualization of large data volumes and detailed graphic interpretation.
CGG’s head of R&D, Pascal Rosset, said, ‘One of the most important shifts taking place in seismic processing, visualization and interpretation is in the area of interaction. VolumeViz LDM provides scalable, flexible and performant rendering, even on desktop platforms. This improves interaction with our continuously growing seismic data volumes.’
Mercury VP Bernard Cazeaux added, ‘VolumeViz LDM technology allows access to extremely large data sets, while providing a highly interactive user experience. Users perceive immediate data display, volumes can be navigated smoothly and slices and probes are responsive at all times.’
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