POSC has annual revenue of around $1.5 million of which $250,000 comes from Special Interest Groups (SIGs) and the remainder from membership fees. POSC’s 50 corporate members include 9 oil companies. Currently active SIGS are WITSML, Practical Well Logs, Data Stores, e-Field (Integrated Operations), e-Regulatory and National Data repositories. Other activity of note is the Well ID service, which promises an online, globally unique well identifier service.
POSC CEO David Archer described WITSML 1.2’s successful deployment on some 120 wells to date. POSC’s Practical Well Logs SIG V2.1 results will be out by year end 2004. A new XML specification ‘ImageCal’ for well log scanned images has been submitted by A2D and IHS Energy for review in 2005. The Integrated Operations SIG has defined initial specifications and subsurface, surface and business data streams are ‘beginning to converge on common standards.’ IntOps, which has links to the Norwegian IIP Project aspires to be the ‘WITSML’ of production. Looking to the future, Archer anticipates significant growth in WITSML take-up for 2005 with new applications in mud logging and production.
Herb Yuan, (Shell and POSC Chair) described Shell’s Digital EP Business as enabled by ‘Process Portals’ delivering role and context-based information, connecting users to the processes and tools needed to do their jobs. Shell’s Well Delivery Project is leveraging WITSML to connect drillers to a range of repositories. WITSML enables connection between Halliburton’s InSite Service, RightTime Server and Landmark’s drilling applications. Over the past year, POSC has increased visibility and is keen to improve its marketing and certification programs. POSC challenges remain the delivery of a ‘digital EP business’ infrastructure supporting technical to business integration via data and real-time standards. This will be achieved by membership’s time commitment to SIGs and by improved coordination between standards bodies (work with PPDM). According to Yuan, ‘POSC is enabling the future data and real time standards needs of the EP industry. Shell is committed to make POSC work.’
Peter Breunig said that ChevronTexaco’s (CTC) active technical data storage reached 800 TB in 2004, ‘a huge and ongoing increase’. Enabling technologies like POSC’s projects are unlikely to get ‘mega funding’. To make them work, ‘less lofty’ near term goals are required, to demonstrate quick wins. WITSML is one good example of how this can work. ProdML should likewise ‘help accelerate implementation of smart field technologies.’ Breunig concluded, ‘Long term strategies are important, but given the business environment we are in, it behooves us to show results.’ Chevron Texaco joined POSC because of WITSML.
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