UK DTI issues RFC for model formats

Operators are invited to express preferences as to data formats for geology and simulator models.

As part of its National Hydrocarbons Data Archive (NHDA) initiative, the UK Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) has issued a consultation document for the archiving of geological and reservoir models. Kerr-McGee has provided data from its Hutton Field as a test case, providing the geological and reservoir models in ASCII formats based on Dynamic Graphics’ Earth Vision and Schlumberger Information Solutions’s Eclipse.


Because such formats are neither aligned with the UK Government’s mandatory XML format for data, nor with the POSC RESCUE geological and reservoir data model, the DTI is sounding out the industry as to best practices for model data capture.


The POSC-initiated RESCUE project is funded by BP, Exxon, Shell, Statoil, and Total and has wide support from software vendors (including Dynamic Graphics and Schlumberger!). But according to the DTI, has seen relatively little take-up in the UK.

Once in a lifetime

The DTI therefore hopes that interested parties take this ‘once in a lifetime’ opportunity of getting RESCUE recognized in the UK by responding quickly to the consultation. A special invitation is extended to the RESCUE sponsors.

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