PPDM compliance for Petris Winds Enterprise

Petris achieves ‘100% compliance’ with the PPDM data model for its well data management tool.

The PPDM association has certified PetrisWinds Enterprise (PWE) V3.0 well log management system (WLMS) as 100% compliant with the 3.7 edition of the Public Petroleum Data Model. The certification program is managed by independent consultants Data Matters of Calgary.


PPDM compliance is measured by the degree of correspondence of a data model with the PPDM standard. PWE contains 123 tables of which 103 fall within the PPDM footprint. All of these were deemed 100% compliant.

Dynamic common model

PWE consolidates diverse data sources into a web-based system via a patented ‘dynamic common model.’ PWE alows in-house applications to consolidate well log data and to populate application-specific data models.


Other certified PPDM-compliant applications have been developed by OilWare, EcoPetrol and Rakhit Petroleum Consulting. More from ppdm.org.

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