Vintage Petroleum is using Open Text’s Livelink as a platform for business process improvements to increase productivity, control information, and achieve Sarbanes-Oxley. Vintage uses Open Text’s Livelink as a platform for business process improvements to increase productivity, control information, and meet compliance requirements associated with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.
Vintage, which operates in the US, South America and Yemen, centralizes invoice processing at its US headquarters – where 10,000 invoices are processed monthly. Livelink is used to manage the invoicing process, to maintain corporate content in a central repository and to facilitate auditing and compliance.
Vintage CIO Steve Phelps said, ‘With the correct tool set in place, Livelink plugs-in and provides repository information immediately. Maintaining one set of data is more practical than our previous practice of leaving information within the individual groups. In fact, because of our quick successes with our initial implementation, we are planning to implement Livelink across other accounting disciplines.’
Reporting on the Open Text Energy User Group held late last year, Open Text industry manager Mark Sekulich told Oil IT Journal, ‘Open Text has created an industry-specific business unit to develop targeted solutions and content-rich products that meet the needs of the energy industry. Oil and gas deployments to date include an HSE management of change (MOC) eTool, an email driven application built upon Livelink Workflow and Forms.’
‘Another deployment of Livelink addresses issues of employee orientation and legal compliance. This solution utilizes the Livelink Eloquent Media Server, Livelink Enterprise Server, as well as workflow technologies to deploy a customized portal.’
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