Software short takes—upgrades, sales etc.

New sales and upgrades from Skyline, Maurer, MetaCarta, Safe, dGB, EMS, FFA, PPDM, Decision Dynamics, Tecplot, Tibco, Utilipoint, M2M Corp and Killetsoft.

Skyline Software has embedded its 3D visualization technology in Intergraph’s GeoMedia product line, offering users 3D visualization of geospatial information including terrain, imagery and feature data.

Maurer Technology Inc. has just released V 4.0 of its WellCon Well-Control software for evaluating well-control procedures. A new kill sheet generator provides a quick analysis of the well-control process.

New ‘machine learning’ functionality in MetaCarta’s geographic intelligence package leverages ‘computational linguistics’ to identify geographic references in text. MetaCarta now ‘learns’ to recognize linguistic patterns pointing to geographic references. Such learnings are packaged into Geographic Data Modules—knowledge bases used to ‘disambiguate’ geographic references and assign latitude/longitude coordinates.

Safe Software has updated its Feature Manipulation Engine (FME) geographic data translator to import and export data from PostGIS and PostgreSQL open source GIS packages. The new functions are available in FME 2006 and through application extenders for ESRI ArcGIS, Autodesk MapGuide, and Intergraph GeoMedia.

de Groot Bril has released OpendTect 2.2.0 including a semi-automatic horizon tracker. The attribute engine has been re-engineered for speed, crossplotting and other enhancements.

EMS Pipeline Services and Quorum Business Solutions are to share ownership of the PGAS natural gas measurement system.

OSIsoft has released a 64 bit version of its PI System Server, the engine driving its Real-time Performance Management (RtPM) Platform.

FFA has productized its FaultTrends fault extraction technology in V2.3 of its SEA 3D package. This includes structurally oriented noise cancellation filters, ‘CookieCutter’ filtering with SeisMath and VoxelMath and highlighting of fault trends, a workflow previously only available through FFA Services.

The PPDM Association is working to promote the Geographic Markup Language (GML) to the upstream. First target is a GML-based seismic schema.
Decision Dynamics has licensed its Wellcore package to an unnamed ‘large independent E&P company’. The $CDN750k sale covers 115 seats.

Tecplot has released a new version of its reservoir simulation post processor. Tecplot RS 6.0 includes new ‘non-neighbor connection’ views of fault-related flow and new histogram plots of grid properties. Streamline simulator output is now supported. A network license costs $4,000 per year.

Tibco has acquired master data management technology from Velosel Corp. and is to offer ‘product master data management and product-centric process integration.’

A new study from UtiliPoint benchmarks natural gas software applications and IT architectures supporting the natural gas value chain ‘from wellhead to burner tip.’

Internet SCADA specialist M2M Corp.’s new communications infrastructure, M2M Connect has been enhanced to support an extended range of satellite and terrestrial wireless networks. M2M’s iSCADA service now offers a private access point names service ( with Cingular Wireless, which will allow M2M to provide a wider range of GPRS services and customized tariffs.

Killetsoft has released GeoDLL Windowslibrary for geodetic transformation.

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