Murphy goes for P2 Energy Solutions

High quality digital satellite and aerial imagery dataset to help expand domestic exploration.

Murphy Exploration and Production Company has licensed P2 Energy Solutions’ (P2ES) Tobin SuperBase products, including its land survey file, well header file and culture file. SuperBase is a suite of digital mapping databases targeting the energy industry. The databases are used in a wide variety of applications including energy-related ERP and work with most mapping, CAD and GIS software. P2ES claims SuperBase to be the most comprehensive, continuous high-resolution map base data coverage available for the United States.


Ron Chassaniol, Business Development Manager for Murphy, said, ‘SuperBase gives us access to comprehensive high-quality data that will help us expand our domestic exploration.’ P2ES is adding data in new areas as high-resolution satellite and aerial imagery becomes available. Key features of the program include the refinement, expansion and enhancement of its data products through application of mapping sciences and new technology and the addition of a comprehensive metadata set. P2ES also integrates private and public survey data and offers other services including database synchronization, digitizing and format enhancements and digital reporting of changes made.

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