Morgantown, WV-based Intelligent Solutions (IS) has released a new package for production data analysis, IPDA. The software integrates decline curve analysis, type curve matching and reservoir simulation through history matching to converge on a set of reservoir parameters that satisfy all input data.
No data, no problem!
IS president Shahab Mohaghegh, who is professor of Petroleum Engineering at the University of West Virginia, said the new package is particularly suited to partial data sets, ‘Even if you have no pressure data, IPDA will work from monthly production data. IS’s fuzzy pattern recognition maps the results of an analysis over the entire field, showing 3D volumes of permeability, depletion and remaining reserves.’
Surrogate modeling
IS will soon be adding ‘Intelligent Surrogate Modeling and Analysis’, ISMA to its product line, bringing artificial intelligence to the smart field and removing the bottle-necks that exist between high frequency data streams and slower analytical techniques like reservoir simulation. ISMA will include real-time reservoir simulation, surveillance, well integrity monitoring, decision support and process optimization.
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