QinetiQ has developed an Autostereo 3D Display Wall, described as a ‘breakthrough in visualization technology for the oil and gas industry.’ Autostereo offers more than 25 times the information content and is 10 times brighter than conventional stereo visualization images.
No glasses
The QinetiQ display provides natural 3D images that do not require the viewer to wear glasses. Groups of users can move and collaborate freely in front of the display. Each viewer sees continuous and horizontally correct perspectives of the 3D images over a large viewing zone. Applications of the Autostereo 3D Display Wall in oil and gas exploration, well planning and production include enhanced spatial and multidimensional analysis, planning, monitoring, simulation, communications and decision-making.
Chris Slinger, CTO with QinetiQ, said, ‘From their very first viewing experience, people who have known only conventional immersive visualization systems are amazed at the fidelity and impact of these 3D images.’ An OpenGL interface will allow seamless integration with existing interpretation and visualization applications.
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