A new release of Landmark’s PC-software claims improved performance, enhanced usability, and an expanded set of features.
GeoAtlas can now display layers from an SDE data server and supports display of dynamic spatial spatial data on the server without intermediate shapefile creation. Other enhancements include: production analysis for oil, gas, and water streams (with posting of graphs to a map layer), improved perforation data posting, user-defined petrophysics and environmental corrections, adding frequently used Baker Atlas charts to the Prizm definitions.
Significant performance improvements have been made to the process of loading and updating wells, and their associated data – formation tops, faults, velocity data, and deviation surveys. Performance metrics on a 5000 well project indicate initial loading of the data is now approximately 30% faster.
and also
Other enhancements address password protection, connectivity with OpenWorks and grid data exchange with PowerModel and ZMap. Implementing DLL triggers has also been simplified.
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