As revealed in Oil ITJ (Vol. 9 N°5), UK-based SDC Geologix is launching a new well information management tool, WellExplorer (WEx). WEx optimizes technologies developed in Geologix’ GEO Suite and lets users deploy a departmental-level intranet for access to well summaries, logs, and reports. WEx is built on Microsoft Internet Information Server and a SQL Server back-end. Other software components support log-in, document upload, and data access, integrating with GEO authoring applications.
A dynamic document format means that users can interact with a log to change its zoom aspect, scale and depth reference. Multiple log layouts can be selected from a single GEO document.
Geologix has been instrumental in the development of WITSML and now supports the data-sharing standard in all of its products. Geologix recently demoed WITSML use in a ‘MudLog Object.’ Data was exchanged with GEO and WITSML-compliant systems such as Paradigm’s Geolog, Sense Technology’s SiteCom, and Landmark’s OpenWorks.
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