As Baker Atlas director Bill Befeld said in his introduction, ‘We’re back!’ Recall is back with a new version (V5.0), a port to Windows and many new features including an ODBC interface. This means that Recall can now be integrated into SQL-based systems and addressed as if it were a relational database.
New in V 5.0
Recall 5.0 is a native port to Microsoft Windows and runs ‘faster than some Unix systems,’ while offering integration with other Microsoft products. Recall 5.0 includes Logscape interactive graphics, support for data dictionaries and a web interface. But the big change is the addition of the ODBC driver. The ODBC interface means that Microsoft Access can become a front-end to Recall, leveraging Microsoft’s interface, Wizards and familiarity. ODBC exposes the tool to SQL query e.g. you can query for ‘all instances’ of an object such as a field, well or depth zone. There is also an ODBC write function for insert and update, but no delete.
Logscape, Recall’s data viewer and graphical spreadsheet now boasts a ‘huge’ x-y plot library including Pickett plots, templates and configurable toolbars. Dip tracks, tadpoles, image data and waveforms are now included. Petrophysical workflow can be initiated by drag and dropping a log onto LogScape.
Following a major acquisition, PetroCanada’s UK unit’s data needed rationalization. With help from Venture Information Management, PetroCanada deployed a combination of Finder and two Recall databases, one for data staging and one for QC’d data. Legacy data lacked standard formats and sometimes, UWIs. PetroCanada went back to original well reports to see what was run, and assembled a set of useful curves for key wells which were digitized as required. The project involved 7,000 wells and 40,000 logs.
Despite the move to Microsoft, Recall continues with its standards-based work with a new XML schema defining operations that can be performed on a Recall data base such as search, I/O, browse etc. RecallML supports read-only access and can run off a snapshot of Recall on a CD from a browser. A WITSML loader for Recall is also being developed.
On the R&D front, a geomechanics extension has been undertaken for Hydro, Agip and BG. The objective is to avoid well collapse via mud pressure window using Earth Imager/waveform and dip data visualized through LogScape. The analysis can also be used to study fracc jobs. ENI reported a ‘near real time’ use of Logscape to drill highly deviated wells in unstable formations. TVD management has been added to LogScape and near real time borehole stability analysis keeps mud weights in a safe window. ENI is anticipating a WITSML server feeding data into Petrel via OpenSpirit.
According to Baker Atlas, Recall is the well log data management system of reference for most major oil companies including ExxonMobil, Shell and BP. Recall is also the well log data management engine inside Landmark’s PetroBank. Anadarko and ENI also presented their Recall deployments which also involved staging databases.
This article has been abstracted from a six page report produced as part of The Data Room’s Technology Watch service. For information, email
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