Three oil and gas companies recently endorsed SAP’s Netweaver infrastructure at a presentation made during the 2004 Hannover Cebit. Netweaver is SAP’s web services infrastructure designed for cross platform interoperability between Microsoft’s .NET and IBM’s J2EE (see OITJ Vol. 8 N° 1). Shell, RWE and South African Sasol were all described as early adopters of Netweaver’s master data management, business intelligence and knowledge management support.
Shell is using Netweaver to ‘consolidate and harmonize’ master data for applications and users worldwide. The company expects to derive more value out of previous IT investments as global deployment continues.
For RWE, SAP’s exchange infrastructure links internal and external processes and systems across the corporation to provide its purchasing unit with improved supplier integration. This ensures shipment of supplies ‘within 24 hours’.
Sasol has used Netweaver to standardize business processes, consolidate its IT ‘landscape’, and provide portal and analytics across the entire organization. An IDC report on Sasol’s Netweaver implementation found a 450% return on investment over a five year period. Initial investment paid out in just 2 ½ years.
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