Landmark rolls-out Engineer’s Desktop

New integration platform combines drilling software with production and economics.

Landmark Graphics Corp. has just released its ‘Engineer’s Desktop’ (ED), a new integration platform for drilling and completions and production operations. ED is a suite of well design, real-time operations, field surveillance and economic tools in a common data management environment.


Landmark president Andy Lane said, ‘As the digital oil field becomes a reality, integration of key workflows across drilling, production and economics will enable customers to optimize their field operations. Landmark is the only company to offer this breadth of data coverage and application capabilities on one integrated platform.’

Drilling Desktop

ED combines Landmark’s Drilling Desktop (DD—see Oil ITJ Vol. 8 N° 10) with production and economics. New capabilities allow cross-domain analysis enabling drilling engineers to achieve better wellbore placement, greater levels of efficiency and reduced drilling costs. DD features new data management, visualization, engineering and query capabilities.


Murray Roth, executive VP, Systems and Marketing added, ‘ED brings integration to engineering and operations, in the same way that OpenWorks succeeded in improving the workflows of the geoscience community. Real-time links will enable operators to drill safer, more effective wellbores, track production, reduce downtime, promote rapid intervention design, and validate decisions with economic analysis—driving overall well performance and field profitability.’

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