IHS Energy Canada has signed a letter of intent to acquire the Central Marketing (CMP) and Advantage Programs from Data Source Inc. (DSI). DSI’s CMP markets seismic data to industry on behalf of its owners. The Advantage program provides geophysicists with access to a mapping source that identifies available industry data for immediate purchase.
IHS Energy (Canada) president, Chris Jones said, “By combining AccuMap, our Mapit partnership and now DSI’s CMP and Advantage programs, IHS Energy will provide geophysicists with the opportunity to identify 100% available seismic data within AccuMap and the ability to email a QI request to their broker.”
Ron Chiovetti, DSI president, added “AccuMap is recognized as an industry leader and now will be able to assist geophysicists and brokers in accessing a single source for seismic data purchases.”
375,000 km.
CMP’s 375,000 km of available data will be available commercially in the Mapit Seismic module of AccuMap. New customers will receive the Mapit Module with this layer. Otherwise the module is available for a free trial until the end of February.
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