Kalido for BP’s LPG unit

Kalido’s information warehouse drills down to access multiple financial sources in situ.

BP’s European LPG unit has chosen Kalido’s Dynamic Information Warehouse (DIW) to build an enterprise data warehousing architecture for its management information system (MIS). Kalido DIW will enable BP to aggregate information from its country operations for central, drill-down views of business performance. Kalido’s multi-repository access will allow BP to mine data across some 30 different types of enterprise resource planning and other operational systems—allowing individual country businesses to continue using their own systems.


Kalido DIW’s automated build routines enable BP to design a data model for its MIS which will accommodate change requests during and after implementation – allowing for a ‘faster, cheaper’ roll-out with less technical risk than traditional solutions.


BP program manager David Peralta said, “The MIS all about providing BP’s team leaders across eleven countries with high-quality information for reporting and planning. The initiative is also designed to share best practice and new developments. Kalido’s DIW will provide this business intelligence while surmounting significant technical challenges.”

Business Objects

Kalido has also announced that it is to team with Business Objects to integrate Kalido’s DIW with Business Objects’ Enterprise business intelligence suite. Kalido’s software will ensure that data used in Business Objects’ reporting tools is current, consistent and accurate whatever its source.

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