EOS and Logic launch document exchange

EOS Technologies is to bring its Middle East-developed marketplace to the North Sea.

Dubai-based EOS Technologies (EOST) and the UK Government-sponsored Logic organization have just unveiled Enerdox, a new European e-business document exchange. EOST runs the Document Delivery Exchange (DDE), an oil and gas e-commerce facility connecting some 2,500 organizations.


The Enerdox initiative ports EOST’s technology to the European marketplace. The opening of a document exchange in Aberdeen is expected to double EOS membership with a potential $13 billion annual spend.

Market Research

EOST worked with Logic, the UK’s ‘centre of excellence’ for the energy supply chain, on e-commerce market research. LOGIC and EOS anticipate working together to deliver the new exchange across Europe. Work in Aberdeen will commence immediately, with the first Enerdox members going ‘live’ early in the summer.


Alan Livingston, EOS CEO, said, ‘With our technology we can create dedicated document exchanges in any part of the world. This has helped us to move forward with the launching of Enerdox, together with others in Qatar, and Abu Dhabi, each fully integrated to our main current exchange. We have plans for exchanges in Egypt, Syria, Saudi Arabia, and North America.”


The EOS solution that powers Enerdox is used by suppliers including Halliburton and Schlumberger. EOS’ oil and gas anchor client is Petroleum Development Oman (34% owned by Shell).

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