Saudi Aramco is to deploy Siemens XHQ operations intelligence platform as the foundation of its Enterprise Management Solution (EMS). XHQ will link all of Aramco’s production and business data into a single information portal. The scope of the solution spans wellheads, crude oil processing, gas oil separation, gas processing, to refineries and loading terminals.
Whole enchilada!
Siemens unit IndX Software is to supply the EMS which promises a ‘comprehensive overview‘ of operations and real time analyses of everything from production and plant utilization to trends in demand, market prices, order status and costs.
Saudi Aramco CIO Ibrahim Mishari, said, ‘Aramco will be deploying the innovative XHQ solution throughout the company from the wellhead upwards. Using XHQ, Aramco will integrate its production operations with its real-time SAP system for a truly unified real-time enterprise.’
Siemens is to integrate the XHQ real time system with SAP’s NetWeaver, already a component of Aramco’s SAP deployment. Siemens Industrial Solutions president Joergen Ole Haslestad added, ‘The partnership between Aramco and Siemens creates a complete business solution that ranges all the way from the automation and planning levels right up to the corporate management level.’
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