New release of TerraStation

TerraSciences II supports Open Spirit-based data transfer and Monte Carlo net pay modeling.

TerraSciences and Open Spirit have built an Open Spirit gateway which allows TerraStation II users to access third party datastores. Open Spirit (OS) lets TerraSciences’ users access data in GeoFrame, OpenWorks and SMT Kingdom databases removing the need for external file formats such as LAS or other ASCII formats. A bi-directional link allows for interpreted data flowing back into the database from TerraStation.

New release

Terrasciences has also lifted the wraps on the next release of TerraStation—due out early next year. This will simplify navigation through the extensive use of property sheets. Other usability enhancements include increased use of right click menus, and the ability to pick values from cross plots and histograms and assign the value to a geological or run parameter, Z-variable, or well constants.


New modules will include a probabilistic net pay option using Monte Carlo techniques, a new Well Data Management and Copy/Paste from tables to/from the clipboard for data exchange with Microsoft Excel. Wizards have been added for many routine input/output and other tasks and new functionality now simplifies cross section generation and data interpolation between wells.

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